Disorders of Iron Metabolism


Iron Absorption
Basic review of the mechanism of iron absorption. Also included is information on compounds and factors that alter iron absorption.

Transferrin and Iron Kinetics
This article examines the mechanism by which iron is transported to the cells of the body. A discussion of how transport proteins protect us from possible harm by reactive iron species is also included.

Iron, Cell Growth and Differentiation
Iron is crucial to cell differentiation. It also plays an important role in the normal development of many organs, including the brain.

Interplay of Iron and Erythropoietin
This article reviews the interdependence of iron and erythropoietin in red cell production. A discussion of how best to combine iron and erythropoietin in clinical use is included.

Iron Chelators
Iron overload from transfusion produces significant morbidity, and can be fatal. When used properly, chelators protect patients from the ravages of iron overload.

Iron and Infection
Iron affects many aspects of host defense, including the function of immune cells.

Hemochromatosis/Iron Overload
Hereditary hemochromatosis is the most underrecognized serious genetic problem in countries with large numbers of people of European descent. The disorder can be controlled through early detection and proper treatment.

Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency remains the world's leading cause of anemia, affecting over one billion people. Chilidren with iron deficency, in particular, can suffer serious developmental problems in addition to anemia.

Sideroblastic Anemia
Sideroblastic anemia is a heterogenous group of disorders with the common feature of ring sideroblasts in the bone marrow. Mitochondrial dysfunctions lies at the heart of the sideroblastic anemias. Proper analysis and characterization are key, since come forms of sideroblastic anemia can be corrected or effectively treated.

Management Considerations

Subcutaneuous Desferrioxamine Administration
How to administer effectively desferrioxamine by subcutaneous, continuous infusion. This article contains specific details.

Intravenous Desferrioxamine Administration
How to administer effectively desferrioxamine by intravenous, continuous infusion. This article contains specific details.

Intravenous Administration of Iron Dextran
Iron dextran can be used to replenish iron stores in patients through the administration of up to 4 grams at a single setting. Such large doses of iron generally cannot be achieved with the iron saccharide intraveous preparations.
